- (1) 納税者(2条):直前の4年間のうち少なくとも2年間の連結財務諸表において7億5000万ユーロ以上の年間収益を有する多国籍企業の構成企業
- (2) GloBE規則(3条1項):ベトナムが加盟する税源浸食と利益移転の包括的枠組みのグローバルミニマム課税の規則に準拠し、本決議及び政府の規則に従って規定されるルール
- (3)トップアップ税(4条&5条):①適格国内最低トップアップ税(QDMTT)と②所得合算ルール(IIR)トップアップ税
QDMTT = (i)トップアップ税率 x (ii) 超過利益
- (i)トップアップ税率=15% – 実効税率
- 実効税率=ベトナムの全構成企業の法人税額/ベトナムの全構成企業の純GloBE所得
- (ii) 超過利益=純GloBE所得ー(有形資産と給料のカーブアウト)
- 純GloBE所得=全構成企業のGloBE所得ー全構成企業のGloBE損失
Today’s topic is “Global Minimum Tax, effective January 1, 2024“. The National Assembly of Vietnam adopted Resolution 107/2023/QH15 on November 29, 2023 regarding this matter.
1. What is Global Minimum Tax ?
Global Minimum Tax (”GMT”) is a system of taxing CIT taxable income at a base rate of 15% per country in order to curb the global race to lower CIT. The GMT has been agreed upon by the OECD’s Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting with participation of approximately 140 countries. In Vietnam, the GMT is newly established by Resolution 107 and will be effective for the fiscal year beginning on or after January 1, 2024. The summary is as follows.
Article 1 of Resolution 107 provides for the application of Top-up Tax (3) to taxpayers (1) under GloBE rules (2).
- (1) Taxpayers : any constituent entity of a Multinational Enterprise (MNE) group that generates a revenue of at least 750 million EUR for at least 2 years out of 04 years processing the dicial year according to the consolidated financial states of its ultimate parent entity.
- (2) GloBE rules : the rules provided for by Resolution 107 and regulations of the Government in conformity with the GMT regulations of Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting of which Vietnam is a member.
- (3) Top-up Tax : a) Qualified Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax and b) Top-up tax under Income Inclusion Rule
2. Qualified Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax
Qualified Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax (“QDMTT“) is a top-up tax that the Vietnamese governments collect from Vietnam enterprises that would otherwise be collected by other countries under GloBE rules. According to Article 4 of Resolution 107, the taxpayers having business operations in Vietnam (mainly, Vietnamese subsidiaries of MNE groups with foreign ultimate parent companies) with GloBE income and an effective tax rate of less than 15% in Vietnam shall be taxed as follows.
■ Calculation method
QDMTT = (Top-up Tax rate(i) x excess profits (ii)) + additional current top up tax (if any)
- (i) Top-up Tax rate = minimum tax rate (15%) – Effective tax rate
- Effective tax rate = Toal CIT accrued in Vietnam of constituent entities in Vietnam / Net GloBE Income in Vietnam
- (ii) Excess profits = Net GloBE income – (Carve-out of tangible assets and payroll)
- Net GloBE income = GloBE income of all constituent entities – GloBE loss of all constituent entities
■ Filing and PaymentTax returns must be filed and paid within 12 months after the end of the fiscal year
3. Summary
According to the General Department of Taxation in Vietnam, 122 foreign MNE groups investing in Vietnam are affected by the GMT, of which Japan has 36 MNE groups that will have to pay VND250 billion more in 2024 (Korea has 18 MNE groups that will have to pay VND10.7 trillion more). The QDMTT formula is quite complex based on GloBE rules. Therefore, it is recommended that Vietnam based subsidiaries of in-scope MNEs pay attention to upcoming guidance and prepare for the filing with the assistance of experts.
The end
(Attached : Resolution 107/2023/QH15 dated November 29, 2023)