本日のテーマは「グローバルミニマム課税の国内法制化の状況」です。本件に関して、Vietnam Economic Times 2023年6月号の記事を参照して、ご説明いたします。
- ステップ1:適格国内ミニマムトップアップ税(”QDMTT”)の導入
- GloBE規則に基づき他国が徴収するはずのトップアップ税を、ベトナム政府がベトナム企業から徴収する。
- ステップ2:新たな税制や投資優遇政策の策定
- QDMTTで得た追加の税収を、ベトナムが優先的に外国投資を誘致したい分野のプロジェクトに対して、GloBE規則の影響を受けにくい、以下の方法で還元する。
- (受益者の所得とみなされる)助成金
- (受益者の所得とみなされる)適格還付税額控除
- (所得ベースではなく)支出ベースの税制優遇措置
- 資本集約的又は労働集約的な税制優遇措置
- 個人所得税の減免
- 土地使用税の減免
- QDMTTで得た追加の税収を、ベトナムが優先的に外国投資を誘致したい分野のプロジェクトに対して、GloBE規則の影響を受けにくい、以下の方法で還元する。
(添付資料:Vietnam Economic Times2023年6月号)
Today’s topic is ”Developments in Domestic Legislation Toward Global Minimum Tax in Vietnam”. With reference to the article in the June 2023 of Vietnam Economic Times, I will explain this matter.
1. Challenges for Vietnam
Many countries, including Japan, have decided to adopt global anti-erosion rules (“GloBE rules”) into the domestic legislation (including global minimum tax) starting from the fiscal year 2023. This means that the effect of CIT incentisves granted by Vietnam to Vietnamese Subsidiaries of MNCs affected by the GloBE rules will be nullified. Therefore, in order to maintain its competitiveness in attracting foreign investment, Vietnam faces a major challenge to urgently review its tax and investment incentive policies.
2. New Policies
In accordance with the OECD Report “Review of Tax Incentives after GloBE rules” dated October 2022, new policies are expected to be developed in the following steps.
- Step 1: Introduction of Qualified Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax (“QDMTT”)
- The Vietnamese government will collect top-up taxes from Vietnamese enterprises that would otherwise be collected by other countries under the GloBE rules.
- Step 2: Formula new tax and investment incentive policies
- The additional tax revenues from the QDMTT will be returned to projects in sectors where Vietnam wishes to attract foreign investment on a property basis in the following ways that are less susceptible to the GLoBE rules.
- Subsidies (considered as income of the beneficiary)
- Qualified refundable tax credit (“ORTC”) (deemed as income of the beneficiary)
- Expenditure-based (rather than income-based) tax incentives
- Capital-intensive or labour-intensive tax incentives
- Individual income tax exemption or reduction
- Land use tax exemption or reduction
- The additional tax revenues from the QDMTT will be returned to projects in sectors where Vietnam wishes to attract foreign investment on a property basis in the following ways that are less susceptible to the GLoBE rules.
3. Summary
Vietnam’s economy has an export-driven structure. The current economic situation is not good precisely because exports are not growing due to a drop in foreign demand. Since about 70% of Vietnamese’s exporters foreign invested enterprises, a drop in the attraction of foreign investment due to the GLoBE rules mean that medium- to long-term economic growth will be difficult. Therefore, it is important for Vietnam to quickly change its tax and investment policies, and it is hoped that a bill will be submitted to the National Assembly later this year for implementation in 2024.
The end
(Attached references: Vietnam Economic Times June 2023)