- 以下に掲げる特定の物品及びサービス(詳細:政令94の付表1)
- 鉱産物(石炭、原油・天然ガス、金属鉱石、土/砂/粘土)
- 工業製品(コークス・石油精製品、化学品、金属製品、組立式金属製品(機械設備を除く))
- 通信サービス(有線/無線/衛星通信)
- 金融・銀行・保険サービス
- 不動産業
- 特別売上税の対象となる物品及びサービス(詳細:政令94の付表2)
- 情報技術に関する法律に基づく情報技術(詳細:政令94の付表3)
- コンピュータ及び周辺装置、通信装置(例:スマートフォン)、家庭用電子機器、情報サービスなど
- 政令94の各付表を確認して、自社が取り扱う製品およびサービスに適用される税率を再度確認する。
- 一般消費者向けに物品やサービスを提供する企業は、自らの商品の値札やサービスの価格表において総額表示(VATを含む)が義務付けられている。VAT税率の引き下げ時には、値札をすべて変更しなければいけないものの、実務的な対応として、値札はそのままで、レジでの決済時に値札からVAT2%が差し引かれた残額が請求されることが多い。
Today’s topic is “Detailed Decree for 2% VAT Reduction in 2024“.
1. Background
On November 9, 2023, the National Assembly has decided that the government’s target for real GDP growth in 2024 is 6.0% to 6.5%.This means that the government recognizes that the growth rate in 2023 is expected to exceed 5.0% but fall far short of the 6.5% target, and aims to achieve a dramatic economic recovery in 2024. As a stimulus measure, on November 29, 2023, the National Assembly passed a resolution to extend the 2% reduction implemented in 2023 until June 30, 2024, and on December 28, 2023, the government issued Decree 94/2023/ND-CP, detailing the measure to be taken.
2. 2024 VAT Reduction
The 2% VAT reduction from January 1 to June 30, 2024 is similar to Decree 44/2023/ND-CP of the previous year (except for the applicable period). Goods and services subject to the 10% rate under the current VAT law are subject to the 2% reduction, which will be applied uniformly to imports, production, processing, and sales. However, the following goods and services are excluded.
- Certain goods and services listed below (details : Appendix 1 of Decree 44)
- Mining products (coal, crude oil/natural gas, metal ores, oil/sand/clay)
- Industrial products (coke/refined petroleum products, chemicals, metal products, assemble metal products (excluding machinery and equipment)
- Telecommunication services (wired/wireless/satellite)
- Finance, Banking and Insurance services
- Real Estate trading
- Goods and services subject to special sales tax (details :Appendix 2 of Decree 44)
- Information technology under the Law on Information Technology (details: Appendix 3 of Decree 44)
- Computers and peripherals, communication devices (e.g., smart phones), household electronic devices, information services, etc
* In Appendix 1 and 3, the Standard Industrial Classification (VSIC) code and HS code (applicable at the time of import) are given for each good.
3. Summary
Vietnamese companies should note the following.
- Check the Appendix of Decree 44 to reconfirm the VAT rates applicable to their goods and services.
- Companies that provide goods and services to general consumers are required to indicate the gross amount (including VAT) on the price tags of their goods and on the price list of their services. In many cases, the price tags remain unchanged and the balance after VAT 2% is deducted from the price tag/price list is charged at the time payment at the cash register.
The end
(Attached:Decree 94/2023/ND-CP dated December 28, 2023)