- 手続き1(ベトナム国内法に基づく):ベトナムが相手国と租税条約がない、もしくは納税者が希望する場合
- ステップ1:外国の税務署で発給された納税証明書(原本)を入手
- ステップ2:PIT確定申告書においてベトナム支払税額から外国税額を控除する。
- ステップ3:期限内(翌年4月末)に、PIT確定申告書と納税証明書を税務局に提出する。
- 手続き2(租税条約に基づく):ベトナムが相手国と租税条約がある場合
- ステップ1:外国税額のi)申告書、ii)納税証明書、iii)納税を証明する銀行書類を入手する。
- ステップ2:控除申請書と上記書類を税務局に提出し、事前の承認を得る。
- ステップ3:期限内(翌年4月末)に、PIT確定申告書と承認通知書を税務局に提出する。
Today’s topic is “Foreign Tax Credits for Personal Income Tax“.
1. Foreign tax credits for PIT
Due to different income tax regulations in different countries, the same income may be subject to personal income tax (“PIT”) in both foreign countries and Vietnam (so-called “double taxation“). In Vietnam, double taxation in principle can be eliminated through foreign tax credit method (PIT paid in a foreign country is creditable against Vietnamese PIT).
2. Foreign tax credit procedure
There are two following procedures for applying the foreign tax credit in Vietnam. Previously, only Procedure 1 was applied (as per Cir.111 & Cir.92), while Procedure 2 is (concurrently) applicable from 1 January, 2022 (as per Cir.80).
- Procedure 1 (under Vietnamese domestic law) : where Vietnam does not have a tax treaty with the other country or the taxpayer wishes to do so.
- Step 1 : Obtain tax payment certificate issued by the foreign tax authority
- Step 2 : Credit the foreign tax from Vietnamese tax in the PIT final return
- Step 3 : Within the deadline (end of April of the following year), submit the PIT final return and the tax payment certificate to the tax authority.
- Procedure 2 (under tax treaties) : where Vietnam has a tax treaty with the other party
- Step 1 : Obtain i) tax return, ii) tax payment certificate, and iii) bank documents proving tax payment in respect of the foreign tax.
- Step 2 : Submit the application and the above documents to the tax authority for prior approval.
- Step 3 : Within the deadline (end of April of the following year), submit the PIT final return and approval notice to the tax authority
3. Summary
Obtaining prior approval under Procedure 2 is not easy and time consuming. Therefore, taxpayers would prefer to opt for Procedure 1. However, in order to eliminate tax risk, it is recommended to check with the supervisory tax authority in advance which procedure should be applied. Please note that the tax authorities in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh and Hai Phong City have requested the application of Procedure 2.
The end