- 委任代表者が1名の場合:会長(=委任代表者)、社長、法定代表者
- 委任代表者が複数(3名~7名)の場合:社員総会(委任代表者が構成員)、社長、法定代表者
- 会社の定款の内容を決定し、修正・補充すること
- 会社の発展戦略および年次経営計画を決定すること
- 会社の管理組織機構を決定し,会社の管理者、監査役を任命・免任・罷免すること
- 発展投資プロジェクトの決定
- 市場の開発、マーケティング、工業技術に関する対策を決定すること
- 財務報告書に記載された財産の総額の50%以上、または会社の定款で定められた割合を超える借入、貸付、財産売却等の承認
- 財政報告書の承認
- 定款資本の増額や譲渡の決定、社債発行の承認
- 子会社設立や他社への出資の決定
- 経営活動の監視・評価
- 納税後の利益使用の決定
- 会社の再編、解散、破産申し立ての決定
- 解散や破産後の財産の回収
- その他法律および定款で定められた権利の行使
Today’s topic is “Insights into Chairman’s Role in Vietnamese Subsidiaries (Single-Member LLC)“.
1. Chairman of Single-Member LLC
In a Vietnamese single-member limited liability company (LLC) where the the investor is an organization, the corporate governance structure is as follows:
- When there is one authorized representative: Chairman (= authorized representative), General Director, Legal Representative
- When there are multiple authorized representative (3 to 7 people): Members’ Council (comprising the authorized representatives), General Director, Legal Representative
An authorized representative refers to an individual authorized in writing to exercise rights and fulfill obligations on behalf of the investor. Specially, they are appointed by the investor during the company’s establishment and registered with the authorities. Any changes to the authorized representative must also be notified to the authorities. When there is only one authorized representative, that person concurrently serves as the “Chairman”. The Chairman, as the highest decision-maker in the company, is granted the following primary rights (Art 76 of the Law).
- Determine and amend the company charter.
- Decide on the company’s development strategies and annual business plans.
- Establish the organizational structure, appoint, remove, and dismiss managers and controllers
- Approve development investment projects.
- Decide on measures related to market expansion, marketing, and industrial technology.
- Approve transactions involving borrowing, lending, asset sales, or other contracts exceeding 50% of the company’s total asses as recorded in the latest financial statements or a lower threshold specified in the company charter.
- Approve financial statements.
- Decide on increasing or transferring charter capital, as well as bond issuance.
- Approve the establishment of subsidiaries or investment in other companies.
- Monitor and evaluate business operations.
- Decide on the use of post-tax profits.
- Approve the company’s reorganization, dissolution, or bankruptcy filing.
- Recover all assets after the company’s dissolution or bankruptcy.
- Exercise other rights as stipulated by law and the company charter.
2. Chairman’s External Role
Internally, the Chairman serves as the highest decision-maker, determining critical matters for the company. However, externally, opportunities for the Chairman to directly exercise their authority are limited, as the General Director (= the Legal Representative) is responsible for executing decisions. For example, in the case of licensing applications (e.g., amendments to the IRC/ERC), authorities typically request an “Investor’s Resolution“. While theoretically, the Chairman authorized by the investor can prepare and submit this resolution, in practice, authorities often require a resolution signed by the legal representative of the investor (e.g., the legal representative of the Japanese parent company).
3. Summary
In the Vietnamese subsidiary of a Japanese parent company, significant decisions are made in accordance with the parent company’s decision-making authority framework, so the Chairman does not have full authority to make decisions independently. Moreover, even for the “Investor’s Resolution”, submitted to Vietnamese authorities, documents signed by the Chairman are not accepted, and the signature of the Japanese parent company’s legal representative is required. As a result, the Chairman’s opportunities to exercise their authority in practice are extremely limited, diminishing their presence. Additionally, this has become one of the reasons why the obligation to notify changes in the authorized representative, as mandated by the Enterprise Law, is not properly implemented in practice.
The End