- 合弁企業の場合:出資者間での合意形成、資金調達の方法、人事権、報酬の決定方法などを明確化し、トラブル防止と効率的な意思決定を可能にする。
- 1人社員有限会社の場合:出資者が1名のため、所有者が自由に定款を改定でき、複雑な合意形成は不要である。このため、深刻な社内紛争が発生するリスクは低い。
- 会社設立および運営の基盤
- 設立時の必須書類:定款は設立時に必要な法的文書であり、企業登録証明書(ERC)の取得のために当局に提出する必要がある。設立後は、ERCの変更時に再提出する義務はなく、(過去には求められていたが)実務上も通常求められない。
- 会社運営のルールを明確化:定款には、日常運営および意思決定における重要な指針となる以下の必須記載事項が含まれる。
- 会社名および本店所在地
- 会社の事業目的
- 定款資本
- 会社所有者の氏名・住所・国籍
- 会社所有者の持分および持分の金額
- 会社所有者の権利および義務
- 管理組織機構
- 企業の法定代表者の人数/管理職名/権利義務
- 会社の決定の採択方式、内部紛争の解決原則
- 管理者及び監査人に対する給与、報酬、及び賞与の確定根拠及び方法
- 会社出資者が会社に対し持分の買取りを請求する権利を有する場合
- 税引後の利潤の分配及び損失処理の原則
- 会社が解散する場合,解散の手順及び財産の清算手続
- 会社の定款の修正,補充の方法
- 法律の整合性:定款は企業法を含む関連法令に従う必要があり、強行規定に反する条項は無効である。一方で、法令が任意適用を認める場合、会社は定款を通じて柔軟な規定を設けることができる。
- 外部関係への影響:定款の内容は、取引先や政府機関への正当な権利義務の根拠となり、ライセンス取得や税優遇に影響する場合がある。
- 紛争解決の役割:出資者間や経営陣間での紛争解決において重要な基準となり、仲裁条項も法的効力を持つ。
- 改定プロセス:定款の改定には、会長や社員総会の承認が必要である。当局への提出は不要であるが、1人有限会社では会社所有者の法定代表者またはベトナム企業の法定代表者の署名が必要である。
- 管理組織機構:
- 1人有限責任会社の場合:出資者が組織である場合、以下のいずれかの組織形態を選択する。
- ケース1:委任代表者、会長、社長、法定代表者
- ケース2:委任代表者、社員総会、社員総会会長、社長、法定代表者
- 任命時の留意点:
- 1名の委任代表者は会長となる(実務的な取り扱い)
- 複数の委任代表者は社員総会の構成員となる(実務的な取り扱い)
- 少なくとも1名の法定代表者は、会長、社員総会会長、または社長の職名を持つ(法79条3項)。
- 会社の定款に規定がない場合、会社の会長または社員総会会長が法定代表者となる(法79条3項)。
- 1人有限責任会社の場合:出資者が組織である場合、以下のいずれかの組織形態を選択する。
Today’s topic is “Company Charter”
1. Company Charter
The charter is a legal document under the Vietnam Enterprise Law, outlining the fundamental rules for the establishment and operation of a company.
- In the case of joint ventures: Clearly defining matters such as consensus-building among investors, funding methods, authority over personnel decisions, compensation determination helps preventdisputes and enables efficient decision-making.
- In the case of single-member LLCs: Since there is only one investor, the owner can freely amend the charger without complex consensus-building, reducing the risk of serious internal disputes.
Regardless of the company type, it is essential that the charger complies with legal regulations and reflects the actual circumstances of the company. A well-prepared charter serves as a guiding principle for smooth management.
2. Legal Considerations
The following explains the legal considerations that the company charter addresses:
- Foundation for Company Establishment and Operation
- Essential Document for Establishment: The charter is a legal document required at the time of establishment and must be submitted to the authorities to obtain the ERC. After establishment, there is no obligation to resubmit the charter when making changes to the ERC, and in practice, this is generally not required (although it was previously mandatory).
- Clarification of Operational Rules: The charter includes mandatory provisions, which serves as critical guidelines for the company’s daily operations and decision-making:
- Company name and registered office address
- Business objectives
- Charter capital
- Name, address, and nationality of the owner
- Ownership shares and their value
- Rights and obligations of the owner
- Organizational structure
- Legal representative: number, titles and authority and obligations
- Decision-making procedures and internal dispute resolution principles
- Basis and methods for determining salaries, remuneration, and bonuses for managers and auditors
- Rights of investors to request the comapny to repurchase shares
- Principles for profit distribution and loss handling after tax
- Procedures for dissolution and asset liquidation
- Method for amending and supplementing the charter
- Consistency with Laws: The charter must comply with the Enterprise Law and related regulations. Any provisions that conflict with mandatory legal requirements are considered invalid. However, where discretional application is allowed by law, companies can establish flexible rules through the charter.
- Impact on External Relations: The content of the charter serves as the legal basis for the company’s rights and obligations with business partners and government authorities. In certain cases, it may affect the issuance of licenses or the application of tax incentives.
- Role in Dispute Resolution: The charter plays a critical role in resolving disputes among shareholders and management. Provisions related toarbitration, if specified, also carrey legal effect and serve as binding dispute resolution mechanisms.
- Amendment Process: Amendment to the charter requires the approval of the chairman or the members’ council. While submission to the authorities is not required, the signature of the legal representative of the company owner or the Vietnamese enterprise is required.
- Organizational Structure
- For Single-member LLCs: If the investor is an organization, one of the following structures must be selected.
- Case 1: Authorized Representative, Chairman, General Director, Legal Representative
- Case 2: Authorized Representative, Members’ council, Council Chairman, General Director, Legal Representative
- Considerations for Appointments:
- A single authorized representative typically serves as the chairman (practical approach)
- Multiple authorized representatives form the members’ council (practical approach)
- At least one legal representative must hold the title of chairman, council chairman, or general director
- If not specified in the charter, the chairman or council chairman becomes the legal representative
- For Single-member LLCs: If the investor is an organization, one of the following structures must be selected.
3. Summary
Many Japanese companies in Vietnam adopt the “single-member limited liability company” structure, where the parent company is the sole investor. In this form, the parent company has flexibility to freely determine the management policies of its subsidiary, which sometimes lead to operations differing from those outlined in the company’s charter. Similar to Japanese corporate law, it is advisable to review and ensure that the company’s charter complies with the Enterprise Law and establishes appropriate operational rules suited to the company’s circumstances in Vietnam.
The End